Thursday, April 30, 2015

This afternoon was filled with all sorts of busy. We had the Bennetts over after school. Mary and Olivia made several chin people videos. We had soccer practice and violin lesson. Aaron took the missionaries out to dinner so I could go to the temple and see Alden Jackson take out her endowments, which was of course beautiful! The missionaries chose to eat at KFC. It was an interesting choice, especially since they could choose anywhere. Not so sad I missed that dinner.

And the most exciting news was that Jackson got his mission call to Raleigh, North Carolina! I am just so excited for him! He will be incredible!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ferociously Loyal Friends

Cameron and Braden drew stripes on their arms today and roamed the house as ferocious tigers. After Braden left we picked up the kids for piano. Nicole got to go to the mall with Tiffany and Luci to get BFF necklaces. I remember loving those necklaces when I was younger. I wonder why they have such a draw for children? Whatever the's pretty adorable.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mary's NINE!

Happy Birthday to our Mary Sunshine who has filled our life with joy every day for the last nine years.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Let's Celebrate

The flip house is done. We finished staging it so we could put the photos on zillow. To celebrate all the hard work and Mary's birthday tomorrow we went to Red Robin for dinner.

Some before and after photos of the flip house...

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Mary's Almost NINE!

We had a classic American barbecue dinner to celebrate Mary's birthday with the family, per Mary's request. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, watermelon, chocolate satin pie... it was so simple and easy it made me feel like it was my birthday. I'm feeling so grateful for our Mary Sunshine...

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Cameron Writes His Name

We had a busy soccer schedule with games all over and team photos in between. Since we finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and took the AR test at school, we decided to watch the movie to celebrate. The kids loved it and it was so nice to snuggle up together and relax.

Cameron spent most of the time during the movie writing his name. He has really gotten into writing it lately...and of course, I'm loving that.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Daddy Daughter Dance 2015

Tonight was MRE's Daddy Daughter Dance. They danced, they went out to eat, they chatted...the night was a huge success, again. I love these special traditions.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The House of Love

I visit teach a woman who decided to go through the temple for the first time this evening. It was my first time being an escort (one of two) and it was a very interesting experience. At the beginning, I found myself constantly worried about what she thought, hoping to explain anything and everything...and then I realized that I just needed to be still and let her feel the beautiful Spirit that is already there. There is a sweet love present at the temple. I remember that the first time I went through all I felt was God's abundant love. I didn't feel nervous to remember the words or actions. God's purpose was to bless me and I just let myself enjoy it all. When we left I asked her what she thought and she replied that she was going to let herself take it all in. I hope that she will want to return with me again.

Also, Jared was called to be an ordinance worker this evening. This is such exciting news. What a blessing it is to have a temple so close.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My Little Card Shark and Concert Pianist

Cameron is on a card kick. He's now moved on from checkers to war and Old Maid. He and Nicole played it forever this afternoon.

Mary gave her Look What I can Do presentation. Let's just say that next time I'll try really hard to let Mary show what she can do, not look what my mom can do. I think having 30 kids play Mary Had a Little Lamb on portable keyboards was a little ambitious. Note taken. At least we shared the following video to showcase what she really can do...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Kids Work Worth Keeping

I really loved this work that came home in the homework folders today...

Noah, with a hashtag next to his name. There has been a lot of funny #hashtag jokes lately...

Mary's writing about herself in 50 years...

Monday, April 20, 2015

Look What I Can Do!

This morning we went to decorate Mary's spotlight display in her classroom. The students share things they can do with the rest of the class, then a few days after the kids present step-by-step instructions for the class to participate in. Mary chose to share her piano skills.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

I try not to look...

when the kids do things that may be a tad dangerous. I'm an overly cautious person, so I have to tell myself to let the kids build and explore sometimes. The boys spent forever during our family party building this bike ramp. Pretty cool.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Nikki's First Game EVER

The crowd was there to support Nicole's first soccer game ever. Nicole has been spending all week informing all the family, and some friends, of her upcoming game. The cousins made some posters and drew purple lightning bolts on their faces. She played great. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

A Simple Reward

I'm pretty tired from seminary this week. To celebrate it being Friday we had Ellie and Zoe over to play. The kids were so happy, and I was happy to reward them for all their patience with me throughout the week.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Funny Cameron

Cameron approached the concrete worker at the flip house. Noticing that Damian was speaking to him in Spanish, Cameron walked up and started speaking jibberish. Damian and Salvador looked confused. Aaron, who figured out what was happening, explained that Cameron was speaking Spanish to him. Then Cameron said "au revoir" and left.

Thursday is Cameron's day to pray. We each have a day because it solves a lot of problems. Today when Cameron prayed he asked that he wouldn't lose at "sheckers" also known as checkers. He really loves his checkers. And I'll tell you this...he's actually hard to beat!!!

On a side note, Tiffany got released from her seminary calling today. I was actually a little jealous. I do really love the kids, but it's pretty taxing and extremely humbling. It's definitely the hardest calling I ever loved.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hot Chocolate and Toast

Mary and Nikki aren't feeling well today, so I kept them home from school. When I was a kid if I stayed home from school I got hot chocolate and toast served to me in bed. This almost made getting sick worth it, and now I pass along this favorite tradition. It always seems to do the trick.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Nicole's writing is really starting to come along. She can even sound spell a little. She spends the majority of her day with a pen in hand. I love this emergent writer stage.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Family Mission Plan

We have been challenged by our Stake Presidency to read Preach My Gospel in our home and create a ward mission plan. This is what we came up with tonight at Family Home Evening.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


I'm not sure I'm supposed to do this, but I videoed the primary singing in church today. Oh, how I love this song! 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Rainy Soccer

Wow! It's a wet one today and I wasn't very prepared to sit through it all. I think it would be wise to find our umbrella. At least we have wise friends who are extra prepared and could share with us.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Noah's an Independent Reader

Today Noah got his independent reader award. This is kind of sad that he's just earning it now, since he's definitely good enough of a reader. It's just hard to drag all the kids before or after school into the library to take the AR tests. Noah also received a 250 lap award with his cousin Elise. So proud of how hard he works at school each day.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Nikki's First Practice Ever

It's finally arrived, the long anticipated first soccer practice. We checked for water bottles, correct sized soccer balls, shin cards, socks, kleets. and practice outfit...Nicole was ready to go. It was darling watching her run and try and kick the ball. She was loving every second of it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

National Sibling Day

From 3 to 18, I have the best siblings in the world!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

From sun up to sun down...

...they ride...the biking duo, Nikki and Cameron.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Mary's lesson FHE

Mary planned a darling Family Home Evening lesson that she prepared in her Sunday school class. She talked about how we can build our lives around Jesus Christ. We decided on our favorite answers and wrote them on the paper. Then we sang the wise man and the foolish man and she demonstrated it outside on the patio. She used to a fan to represent the buffetings of Satan and salt and a rock to show the strength of the Christ-centered foundation. It was remarkable. Sometimes I get blown away by the way she thinks and the maturity of her soul. She will be a powerful force for fact, she already is.