Monday, September 4, 2017

Back-to-School Feast 2017

Following our tradition of laboring on Labor Day we cleaned up the area by our basketball hoop, hauling earwig-infested logs from the pine tree that didn't survive our winter snow storm back to the front of the house via golf cart and wheelbarrow. Nicole made a sign for the free wood and most of it was picked up by a sweet older gentleman just a few doors down. How do I not know my neighbors yet? I'm taking note to change that. 

After we admired the clean area we pulled out the back-to-school feast box and started creating this year's crowns. It went like clockwork. The tradition is in place and little effort for me now. That makes it a nice way to kick off the new school year. 

Grandpa took the crew to McDonald's for one more summer treat and we swam afterwards while I finalized first day of school outfits for the kids. How can summer already be over? It has been a whirlwind of a season and filled to the brim with play, fun, and breathtaking sunsets (except for this last month...ugh! The wildfire smoke is thick). While I'm sad to see it go, I must admit that I'm ready. Seasons come at just the right times and I'm grateful for the constant moving, recycling, and rejuvenation they bring.

At our back-to-school feast we ate crock pot chicken (AGAIN...easy!) and shared this year's theme: I can do all things through Christ which strenghtheneth me (Phillipians 4:13). We can grow. We can change. We can improve. We can learn. ALL, because of Him...His perfect life, His divine mission, His absolute perfect love. I hope these sweet babies of mine will always remember this very special promise, not just this school year, but for all time. Turn to Christ. He will strengthen and lead us on our journey home to our Father. 

Then it was tender father's blessings, showers/baths, and settling into bed. Good-bye sweet've been pretty epic...until next year! 

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

No Braces Yet

Mary and Noah had appointments with the orthodontist today. Mary's teeth are pretty straight. He said she will not even need them at all. He did suggest a few cosmetic contouring a couple of teeth for a nicer look and keeping retainers on at night to prevent shifting with age. This was exciting news. Noah does not need braces for now. His teeth are still coming down and he will most likely need them as a teenager. But it's nice to learn that things are going well for him too and he will probably only need one phase.

Noah loves it when I take photos of him.

A lot of little things were completed with the pool today. Things are running smoothly. I anticipate that we will make our end of school deadline no problem. Exciting!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May Ladies

We went to lunch today to celebrate these beautiful May birthday ladies. They are so special to me.

On our way home from lunch, we learned that an older gentleman had crashed right into the power pole right across the street from our house. We actually arrived home just a few minutes after it happened. Rescue teams had not yet arrived and the man was not able to get out of his car due to the dangerous power lines surrounding him. He was okay, but was transported by ambulance. We ended up with out power for few hours and a lot of rerouting to use our road. It also meant that we got to go out for dinner. It turns out that there isn't much you can cook without power. And without our pump working, our water was off too.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Fun

Work in the morning
Hikes to waterfalls
Barbecue at Justin's

It's feeling a ton like summer around here. The kids played a lot this weekend. I have a feeling it will be hard to get back to life tomorrow. School really should end before Memorial Day. And I'm not quite sure why I didn't try these gorgeous hikes before. There was so much strong water from all the rain this winter. It was quite mesmerizing.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Cameron's Art

I love this boy's art. He even used this deceased lady bug as a model. We come home on Sundays with the most darling drawings.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Watch Out Paul Blart

The kids slept over at Tiffany's last night. Aaron and I had a nice dinner with friends and then came home and crashed from all this pool work (well, mostly Aaron). He's been waking up early each morning before work and digging sprinkler lines, wheelbarrowing dirt, and prepping the pool for completion. He is a hard worker that one!

Tiffany texted us this morning that Annie prayed over the pancakes and said, "We are so grateful that we have each other and that we are best friends". Melt my heart!!!

Cousin play time!

Following some work around the house, we all headed to Jacksonville to complete one of Tiffany's 40 by 40 tasks. Over the past year she has created a list of things she's wanted to do before she turns 40. With her birthday in just a few days, we scheduled to go on a segway tour.

Let me say that this was so incredibly fun! We had about 45 minutes of training, then a two hour tour, which was rather fascinating.

We ate lunch and got the kids from their weekend long play date. Following a few errands we took the kids to the marble store to cash in some of their first week's earnings. I'm glad they could experience a "spend day" so quickly after we started. Now they are even more motivated to keep working!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Nadauld Daily Five

We came up with a new chore system, inspired by our little brunch on Monday. We are paying our kids for their weekly chores. Hopefully they will get a better idea of how to save, budget, and pay tithing as well. So far, the kids wake up and cheerfully do their tasks. We named it the daily five, although Cameron just has four for now. They also are required to do regular family chores on Saturdays without payment. They have one chore each week that they choose from a jar (like garbage, dusting, setting the table, garbage, windows, bathrooms, etc.). This makes it pretty easy for them and it means that every two weeks my bathrooms are sparkling! Then they can spend their money on the last Saturday of the month...we can go to a store, shop online, or they can buy an "experience" (like a friend party or a trip to do go carts at the FFC) for a certain amount of money. If they do their daily five four or five days during the week then they get double their earnings. If not, they earn a dollar a day. Mary gets paid a little more because she has two instruments. She is really happy about that. It's pretty easy for me really and it is keeping our house very tidy. I'm loving it so far and I hope it continues through the summer.