My cute friend Mistie tagged me the other day, and I thought I'd switch it up a little to include some of the things I heard/learned from General Conference last week.
I am... a daughter, a mother, of great worth, and loved.
I Wish ... I would live according to all the truth and blessings I've been given.
I Want.... my children to know the truthfulness of the gospel for themselves.
I Have.... a testimony of the divinity of Christ, our source for hope.
I Hate... how weak my prayers are.
I Fear... I am not as prepared as I should be.
I Hear.... the words of the Lord each conference.
I Always... love a good laugh, especially during a hard time.
I Usually... forget.
I Am Not... alone.
I Dance ... for the journey.
I Sing... to feel peace and the spirit.
I Never... regret my temple marriage.
I Rarely... look for missionary opportunities-need to change that!
I Cry... when I hear Elder Eyring get choked up. What is it about him?
I am Not Always... courageous.
I Lose... myself when I serve.
I'm Confused... by nothing spoken of during conference. The gospel is really clear and simple.
I Need... to simplify my life with righteousness.
I Should... attend the temple more frequently.
I Dream... for a quiet and reverent sacrament meeting, even with children.
I tag .. . . . . Tiffany Idiart and Kari Holley
Monday, October 13, 2008
Conference Tag
Posted by allison nadauld at 9:55 PM 7 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Noah is ONE!
First of all, sorry for the long absence. I guess I loved reading Aaron's way-too-nice, kind of-sort of-true blog that I couldn't bear to replace it with another post. Plus, did you notice the 17 comments? That's a record. Not that I'm jealous or anything. Sorry for the lack of comments on your posts. I have been reading them daily, just got lazy. Please don't boycott me and stop commenting.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH!! Well, I can't believe it, but my little man is one--how quickly time flies. I feel like I was just in the hospital holding him and listening to conference on our laptop. He was just the cutest boy I'd ever seen from the second he entered this world.
Noah is my darling very busy boy that spends most his days walking around, pointing his finger, finding things to gnaw, poke, explore and grunt over (including electrical sockets and showers). Although in many respects he is all boy, he also has such a tender and loving personality that keeps me entranced. I can now see the special bond that exists with mothers and sons, different than mothers and daughters, but equally as wonderful and important. I am so grateful to have one of each!
Noah has the most hilarious expressions. There is the Cheesy Grin--nose scrunched, big teeth sparkling and head tilted back, which according to my Dad I make. Who knew? And then there's the Godfather Lip Curl--upper lip tucked under the lower, head back, eyes squinted. And the Look What I Just Did Glance followed by self-praised clapping and giggles. My personal favorite is the Magnum--lips puckered looking oh so male modelish. And finally, who can resist the I'm So Shy and Adorable Gaze that he passes out to female strangers. This I don't really like, because it only reminds me that one day Noah will get married and all my hugs and snuggles will be replaced with some lucky girl.
I love that Noah is pretty tough. He doesn't seem to mind being dragged by his sister here and there and playing big two-year-old games like chase, fetch, and hide-and-seek.
Noah's a dream come true in the eating department. He loves veggies and fruit and even my cooking. Although he isn't very big, he has a great appetite and makes his Mommy feel so good with all his "mmmmmmmmmmm" this tastes incredible sounds.
Noah is fearless. On the boat he will grab onto the rail and push his body towards the water like he's fleeing a burning building. I feel like I'm tackling a crocodile every time I give him a bath. He is full of energy and adventure. He loves to climb all over the place, including stairs (which he just took a huge tumble down the other day. Yikes! Luckily, it was on my parent's cushy carpeted steps).
I think Noah will be a dog lover. He is always staring at my brother's dog through their French door windows, shaking and grunting in excitement begging to touch and play with him. It's a Where the Red Fern Grows thing I'm sure. According to Aaron, every boy needs a dog even though I for sure don't want to take care of one. Hopefully we'll always have a family member with one that he can visit or a lot of stuffed animals, just like this cute one from his Grammy Nadauld.
Every time Noah sees or hears the outside door open he makes a mad dash for the fresh air, rocks, and weeds like a child just after the recess bell. And when I quickly close it before he escapes he doesn't get mad. How nice.
Noah loves music. I swear he's singing when it's on. He makes the cutest sounds. He is also very interested in any stereo equipment, buttons, and electronics in general. He'll be smart for sure.
Noah is one handsome boy just like his Daddy. I'm hoping he will develop his Daddy's dark coloring in time. But for now we sure enjoy his blonde eyebrow (yes, that's not plural...unfortunately), cleft chin, curling fluffy hair, and jet blue eyes like his Papa Steve.
I love this stage where you can begin to see personalities unfold, realizing that your child has always existed, an individual, with unique talents and abilities. And seeing that, while you will always be connected through the beautiful gift of creation and family, he belongs to a very loving Father who has entrusted His child to you, to be raised in love and righteousness. Thank you!
I just love everything about my Noah Stephen. He is a lover, he is a go-getter, he is fun, and he is sure good. Happy Birthday Son! I'm looking forward to many more years loving and enjoying you, provided you don't drown or get electrocuted from all your adventures!
Posted by allison nadauld at 8:46 AM 14 comments