On Valentine's this year our family was bitten by the Love Bug's evil twin...also known as...the wicked Flu Bug. Instead of chocolates, roses and musical melodies we enjoyed Ginger Ale, tissues, and sounds unmentionable. Noah was the first to be bitten, followed by Aaron along with my more milder case. The only family survivor was our own little Lovebug, Mary. We're just waiting for her to fall victim and helpless.
We did manage to enjoy our nieces' beautiful baptism, despite the fact that several cousins lay pale and puking in neat little rows. We also made some Valentine's treats for Mary and Noah's "friends" (cousins).
Although in many ways it was a torturous weekend, there's nothing that makes you feel more loved and needed than your child falling to sleep in your arms exhausted from illness. What a way to remember how grateful you are for the love of your family.
By the way, sorry for the lack of posting..two months have passed by. Wow! I just recently joined Facebook and have been spending my "Blogging Time" reconnecting with so many old friends. What a treat. I haven't responded to any of your blogs, but plan on commenting very shortly. Don't write me off...yet!
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago