Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nadauld Family


Genni said...

Beautiful family Allison! Glad you're back to blogging :)

Emilee said...

Beautiful picture! You guys look so happy! I met someone in my new ward who reminds me of you & it has made me miss you! Glad to hear that all is well with you & can't wait to see the addition!

allison nadauld said...

Wow...Allison! You are GORGEOUS! Seriously you are stunning and the picture hides your cute little belly so you can't even tell you are prego! Really you are one HOT MAMMA!!! You could send that out for your Christmas card and just photo shop little Nicole in when she arrives! We love you guys and can't wait! OH ...and seriously Mary draws like a 10 year old! She definetly inherited your darling drawing skills!

allison nadauld said...

oops that comment was from christine...i am on ALlison's computer! Sorry i didnt log in as myself.

Unknown said...

Hi there
My name is Sandra Nadauld, daughter of James Stephen and May Nadauld. I was born in London, England and now reside in South Africa.