Monday, December 1, 2008

Tis' the Season

It's December!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards


Kari said...

The shimmy shake at the end by Noah kills me, too, too funny. You are going to have to teach me those moves!!

Christine said...

very you did the poster turn out? I didn't see it sunday but I'm sure it was as cute as this! Call me this week please....we love and miss our little miss mary mack mack mack all dressed in black black black with silver buttons buttons buttons all down her back back back! You need to do a post on all the fun songs that go with mary...there are quite a few and I'm sure you read them all to your school kids back in the day since you were the literacy queen! Love ya!

utmommy said...

That is too funny!

Jen said...

LOVE IT! I'm totally going to have to copy you. So cute.

Anna said...

Lol! so cute!

Anna said...

Hey, what is your email address? I'll send you my home address there.

Also, can you send me all of the "Idiart" emails? I want to add them to my parents email contact list for their mission update emails. I don't think they have them all.


Zach and Katie Hillstead said...

love the video...those are hilarious! ok our new address is:
3324 North 150 West
Lehi, UT 84043

Hope you guys are doing great!

** Dre and Yoho ** said...

this is soo cute!! emial me at and i can send you our address k ! i need your moms and yours too!! HOpe all is great! we love you and miss yall!!

marci said...

I love those things! I did one of us, but can not for the life of me figure out how to put it on my blog..... how did you do it???

marci said...

ok i got it. it wasn't that hard. i'm an idiot! :)

Bart and Krista said...

I LOVE watching these elf videos. We are laughing at Aaron's face. It is oh-so-serious. You have the cutest little kids. Merry Christmas, guys!