My incredible sister-in-law Tiffany decided she wasn't being stretched enough, what with her husband gone at law school every week and all. So, being the saint that she is, she decided to invite eight 3-4 year old girls for the next five Wednesdays to the church gym for free dance instruction. I know. Wow!
I was so impressed today when the eight pretty princesses experienced a real professional dance class. Tiffany had outlined lesson plans so creative and fun that the kids were jumping with excitement. Mary had a blast, and I felt like a proud mama cheering them on. Mary's the second one on the right.
This week's theme was Jungle Mania! The lucky little ladies moved like jungle animals to special jungle music with their special jungle toy (Mary had a bear). These girls made the most darling elephants, snakes, and monkeys I have ever seen. The group even began a routine that will be shown in all it's glory at a dance recital on May 15th. Stay tuned for that. Where does Tiffany come up with all this great stuff? It must be from all her years dancing and cheering. I mean, look at this move. I know. Wow!
This new stage was probably more exciting for me than Mary. It felt like such a "moment" purchasing her first dance outfit and rolling her hair into a bun. We went to my mom's just before the lesson to show off her new digs. I could see her mind flash back twenty five years...apparently Mary looks just like me. Poor girl. Luckily she's got her Daddy's amazing eyelashes and incredible dance moves. Here's a photo from when I was 5 in a similar get up (side note: That Basque man is my brother Damian during Halloween--not some creepy small guy--I was way too shy to go near anyone like that). So, can you see the mother/daughter connection?
Or...perhaps she resembles her uncle Jared more? It's a toss up.
Anyway, enjoy this video of some of today's lesson and the dance expertise of my amazing sister Tiffany.
1 week ago
I love little ballerinas!! so cute!!
So cute! I love the video and so did Ben. He wants to hold the computer on his lap and watch it OVER and OVER. He loves picking out his cousins and friends as they dance. . .
My favorite picture is JARED in that LEO! Oh, my goodness! I was laughing so hard at that! Isn't dressing up your brother the BEST? Your little girl is lucky to look like you. She's adorable. I also love the pictures of both of your cute kids in the previous post. They are beautiful children!
wow Allison, I think you need to delete all the pics and footage of me! the girls are cute. . .but c'mon, I'm not really a dancer, just a mom trying to find a cheap way to entertain my kids! So glad Mary can join us. . .her and Annie will be BFF's. love ya, Tiff
Allison, so glad you shared that. What fun. I loved Annie and Mary there at the end. I have to agree, Tiffany is pretty amazing. Not that I'm biased or anything. It was great to see the pictures of the younger years, too. You could probably solicit some bribes with some of them!
So cute! Of course, Mary is the best little dancer in the video!
Thanks for sending the photos! The girls are adorable.
What a fun dance class! I love the themes!
Congrats on the new baby! How exciting!
Tiffany is SO amazing! I'm feeling very inadequate as a mom right now...thanks! :)
Mary is SO cute! I can't believe how big she's getting. Thank goodness for blogs. I feel like I still have a small glimpse into your lives!
Ella had a great time too. I wouldn't be so hard on our photos because they turned out great. What cute little girls!
Who knew Jared could looks so hot in a Leo! Wow. THAT was funny.
How fun! I love teaching little girls, they are so cute!
those pics are so great!! I love them...especially the pic of Jared. That was so great!!
Mary is so you and I love it! The little Basque man doesn't scare me. I feel so proud to have a friend who is Basque.
I totally remember dodging the fence in SB! Good times for sure!
Hi Allison! How fun to get to see a video of my little niece in there too. :) Debra
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