Noah:Nike silky sport shirt + red striped sport pants
What are you supposed to put with those shirts anyway? Does it have to be a matching silky set? Sweat bottoms? Silky shorts?
Seriously. Help me.
Mary:Swim suit cover up (rainbow--to get her so excited she doesn't want to take it off)+ white tights + white t-shirt
Note: Today is rainy and very wintery
Nicole:Safe in pretty pink florals and protected under her mother's eye
Aaron was so sweet to get the kids dressed today.
I usually know it's going to be good when he walks down the stairs with a funny smile and says, "I got the kids dressed".
If I wasn't in the bathroom getting ready myself Mary would have had a matching hair-do like this one a while back:

In my former teacher life, I used to have my class dress up goofy on a random day of year...always a Wednesday. We called it Wacky Wednesday (from a book) and would do backwards and bizarre things all day. It always comes to my mind when he tries to "mix it up a little". What a fun husband.

is Wednesday.
Go ahead. Wear something a little zany, a little out of the ordinary, a little mismatchy.
A little WACKY!