Friday, March 5, 2010

Four Months

Our Nicole Christine turns four months today. I really can't believe how quickly time has passed, yet at the same time I feel like she's been a part of our family forever.
She is growing and changing each day, and thanks to Aaron, she is now mostly sleeping through the night. It's heavenly.

I love Nicole's many smiles, coos, and snuggles.
She is so very special~what a blessing.


Lana said...

she is beautiful!

Bart and Krista said...

She is so cute! What do you mean, thanks to Aaron? Is he the baby whisperer or something? Tell me what the secret is to having your baby sleep through the night by four months?

Autumn said...

That is wonderful to have her sleeping through the night already! That makes a world of difference in feeling like a competent mom! Do you use babywise or some other method?

Natalie said...

You sure have a beautiful baby. She's just like Mommy.
Love ya.

Brandan and Becky said...

What a cutie-- all eyes and smiles.

Anna said...

she is so pretty! her eyes are gorgeous!

utmommy said...

Time does go by so fast. She is precious!

mistie said...

Sweet baby girl!

Dianna said...

Just like the two cuties before her AND her darling parents she's so sweet!

Annette said...

I can't believe how big she has gotten! She is beautiful.

the Wilcox Family said...

Soo pretty! Oh, that makes me want another girl! Can she teach my Sawyer how to sleep through the night? Just wonderin'. . . .