Sunday, December 19, 2010

More of Cameron

Tomorrow my Cameron turns two weeks old. I had a darling friend take some pictures of him the other day and I think they are beautiful. I had to post some of my favorite pictures.

{The photographer, Jessica, is only a Senior in high school and plans on majoring in photography. I think she did an amazing job and if you're interested in using her for some of your family shots I'm including a link to her blog:}

{Jessica grabbed a couple of shots of Mary and Noah during the photo shoot. They were a very interested audience.}

The last two shots are really special because Cameron is swaddled in a beautiful blanket that my mother-in-law made. Margaret came out last week to help with all the lifting, cleaning, cooking, playing, loving, and spoiling. It was really hard to see her go, especially since we won't be headed to Utah this Christmas.

{Thank you, Margaret, fo
r all your help and love; we miss you like crazy!}


Natalie said...

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful little boy! I'm sure your Christmas will be merry with your darling family. I am thrilled for you. Merry Christmas. Hugs.

Chelsea Cisneros said...

he is so beautiful! Love the pictures

AnnDee said...

LOVE the photos. Cameron and all your kids are so adorable!! I love the one with the hat on... so sweet.

Wish you guys were here today -- we miss you!! Loved the progrum performance. :)