Sunday, July 27, 2014

New Calling, here I come...

Today I got sustained in my new calling. I am a mix of emotions. When Aaron got a call a couple of weeks ago to meet with President Dixon, we knew it was to teach seminary. He's had this calling two times before. This is an overwhelming and exhausting calling even though it is such a blessing working with the youth and immersing yourself in the scriptures. Immediately the thought came to mind to team teach. I thought that if we taught together it could ease some of the burden. In many ways I think the Lord prepares us for callings often before they come. I could sense it with this one.

I am sad to leave primary. Things are running smoothly and I have loved working with our presidency and all the ward leaders. Last Sunday, before a final decision was made, I spoke in a ward and just felt so much love for the people there. It was a special feeling that looking back was another step in the process of my release and call.

Today we had a ward conference. Mollie was sad about the release she just learned about yesterday. We hugged and cried. It was definitely a touching moment. I told her I would continue to finish my responsibilities until a new secretary was called. I have a lot to do for primary these next couple of months. I will miss this crew.

After the ward conference and our ward meeting we had a family dinner with the Savages. The kids played outside for hours.