Mary is attending a theater camp this week with two of the most talented and wonderful young women in our ward...Joey and Sofi. I signed her up knowing that she would love it. She was a little hesitant to go at first not knowing what to expect, but I was positive that this camp would be right up her alley. After the first day yesterday she was filled with excitement. They played some acting games, introduced the script, and held try-outs. Today she worked on some of her costuming and blocking. The play is a native American version of Cinderella. She is playing the role of Strong Wind's sister.
While she was at camp Nicole and I finally finished our joy school memory books that I was going to get out to the kids at the end of the school year. I slacked off on this one and barely got it done in time for the beginning of the new school year. Lucky for me the joy school moms were very understanding.
After dinner Aaron took Mary fishing. She had a wonderful time and together they caught and released around 25 fish! One crazy thing that happened was when one fish got caught around her ankle and it was squirming around. From what I can tell I think her drama camp exercises were put to good use with her over the top reaction. Mary also fell into the river at some point and came home pretty wet but she had such a good attitude and loved every minute of it. Aaron plans on taking Noah later this week.
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