Tuesday, June 17, 2008

And it's... Roseola!

Our little eight-month-old Noah has had a rough start with one illness after another. He has been pretty healthy lately, a true miracle, especially while we were on our trip to the Bahamas. Unfortunately, it all came back two weeks ago when two enormous teeth were beginning to pop through (we are thinking he may be buck-toothed). We even took Noah to the doctor to see if he had another ear infection because he kept tugging at his ear. It turns out that his ears were perfectly fine, so we attributed his fever and unusual cranky behavior to teething. In two days his two front teeth finally erupted through very tender mountains of gum. He was beginning to act happy and pleasant again when he developed a rash all over. It's Roseola or baby chicken pox, nothing major! So, just one more funny thing to add to his crazy beginning. I've decided that having sick children is hard because you worry so much for how they are coping with pain and discomfort. I pray that our children will never be diagnosed with some major illness; I can't imagine the heartache it would bring. I am really grateful for being able to love and mother Noah and Mary. They make my life so full and happy. What a true joy they are!


SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Poor Little Man, I think the Roseola brings out his Blue Eyes! I love the new shipmate pictures, cute titles!

Emilee said...

Caitlyn got Roseola last year at the same age & it was rotten! You're right, it's difficult for a parent to watch their children struggle. I hope he's on the up!