My dear friend Jen tagged me the other day and I didn't really get it until late last night. So, according to the rules, you have to take a picture and post the following ten things when you get tagged (scroll down to see). You're not allowed to clean up or stage. Disclaimer--this was first thing I did this morning, so don't look too close, especially at me!
Emilee Carruth, Dianna Boyce, AnnDee Nadauld, Val Davies, Makell Boyd, and Kristy Swenson... you've been tagged (be sure to tag 6 more victims when you post yours). Note: You have been selected because I want to get a glimpse of where you're living--especially you Dianna--who never posts any pictures of her new house!
1. Your closet (This is a combined picture of both my side and Aaron/some of Allison's side in our walk-in closet. Notice our new hanging method--drape clothes over rod. The hamper is just one foot away from where our clothes are laying, under our shoe shelves on the left, but we still can't manage to put our clothes in them.)
2. Your laundry room (with swimming attire hanging)
3. Your fridge (I was told to show the outside of the fridge, if it's inside, that could be scary! Maybe you're a little braver than me.)
4. The kitchen sink (Yes, that's zucchini bread from a missionary discussion last night--that zucchini is coming out my ears!)
5. Your favorite room (hard to decide...but our great room really is pretty great-- cooking, eating, lounging (area not pictured), watching tv, reading, and "working" in our office" (where I blog and pay bills) all together in one. Sometimes I even take a nap on our cooshy sectional, making it universal in things I like to do, except soaking in the tub, hmmmm. It also leads to our backyard, with nice french doors, windows, and light. Some kid asked us once why our couch and TV were in the kitchen. Okay, it's not great in the "size" sense just in the "things to do and enjoy" sense).
6. What the kids are doing right now
When I first started doing this Noah just woke up in his crib, by the time I was done, Aaron was headed out the door for work and Noah was hoping to follow.
This is Mary watching Dora with her bed head. Mary's hair is usually curly when she wakes up 'cuz it gets all sweaty, but yesterday I had put in a bunch of product and pulled it back so it was straighter than usual, however, just as crazy.
7. Bathroom (Almost all of it is pictured. The sun was strong on the one corner, so I couldn't get a picture of the end of the tub and the toilet. Notice that the messy vanity is mine.)
8. Favorite shoes (Here are three I like probably the most--I couldn't choose just one.)
9. Dream vacation (Pretty much anywhere with this guy and in warm weather. I've been everywhere I want to go (Bahamas, NYC, & Europe), except Hawaii, maybe some day.)
10. Self-portrait (Okay, remember this is first thing in the morning. I rarely show anyone my glasses too, so enjoy. Poor Aaron.)
Slow Start
1 week ago
I love it all!!! Love your house, love your pictures, love all your funny thoughts. Thanks for playing along.
You are so dang adorable, even with that stinky morning breath! Your kids are soooo cute, too, just like mom and I just love that house. Thank goodness you made it way better than those weirdos who lived in it before!
Yeah what a fun tag!! I'm doing it now!
You ROCK! I can't believe how nice and clean everything is first thing in the morning like that! Very lovely. I know, I know...I hear you making excuses for a couple of dishes here, and a thing or two there...but I'm not buyin' it. Very nicely done! And, I for one like your glasses. They add to the obvious intelligence quotient there.
hey guys!! i just found your blog! so are you???? do you THREE kids? wow. they are adorable. we have a little 8 month old Andrew. He is so much fun. Our blog is Hope you are doing well!
Katie Hillstead (Robbins incase you are confused...susan's niece)
I just realized that I forgot to comment about your shoes- I LOVE them all. And the definitely remind me of you. P.S. I think I've just missed your birthday, or it's this week- HAPPY BIRTHDAY. (We are getting too old! Why does this have to be the year of the big 3-0?)
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