Sunday, October 27, 2013

It Worked

If you've ever invited someone to church you find yourself praying like crazy for them to feel the Spirit so strong that they want to join the very minute they step foot in the door. Today was one of those days. We sent out invitations to the kids primary program to their elementary teacher. Noah's teacher, Mrs. Bjorge decided to come. There were so many of her student past and present on the stand. I thought it was a beautiful program. Perhaps the experience will plant a seed in her heart or help her understand better what we believe and value? For me, it was rejuvenating seeing her come and I felt very grateful for the experience, especially since we have been praying for it in our family.

 Mary, Noah, and Nicole did a great job with their parts. They had them memorized. Nicole didn't feel comfortable sitting in the front with the other Sunbeams so she squeezed by Noah on the side of the room. After the primary's first song Noah became a little nervous because he knew Nicole's class would be up first. He waved to us to help Nicole make her way to the podium in time and Aaron helped her over. She said her part beautifully, "My favorite creation on earth is monkeys and zebras". She got a giggle or two. It was very sweet. It was so tender how Noah was watching out for her and how he treated her throughout the entire program.