Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Elect

I was asked to speak at our ward's Young Women in Excellence this evening. It was a beautiful celebration of the young women and their accomplishments. The theme for the evening was "An Elect Lady" inspired by an article from Sister Marriott.

I began by showing a touching short video from about Emma Smith and her life followed by this quote from President Hinckley, "Emma was called “an elect lady.” That is, to use another line of scripture, she was a “chosen vessel of the Lord.” (See Moro. 7:31.) Each of you is an elect lady. You have come out of the world as partakers of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. You have made your election, and if you are living worthy of it, the Lord will honor you in it and magnify you."

As I was preparing to speak an acronym came to mind. For me, it helps me remember what God expects of His elect, or chosen children.

Engage in God's work
Love God and draw close to Him
Enlarge your learning and talents
Cleave unto covenants
True and faithful

This was one of my favorite quotes from Sister Marriott's article:

We “must be ready and willing to work with all their “heart, might, mind, and strength” (Doctrine and Covenants 4:2) in establishing His kingdom on earth. Our part will be accomplished in the quiet ways of the Spirit as well as in more prominent ways. The great things that happen, such as standing as a witness of God, receiving temple blessings, teaching truth, eternal marriage to a worthy priesthood holder, and raising a righteous family, may require many small faithful moments—often without fanfare.

Young women, we must immerse ourselves in a selfless work, perhaps receiving little public praise or attention. Instead, we must feel the Lord’s great love for us and our efforts through the influence of the Holy Ghost. As these feelings come, faith in Jesus Christ grows. Capacity to serve then increases."

I love this idea of teaching the girls to develop themselves and look outward. It was a lovely evening. Here is a picture of Eliza and Rachel's personal progress project that they displayed.  I just can't get enough of these darling young ladies.