Tuesday, January 13, 2015


It was a rough morning at seminary. I felt like the worst seminary teacher the world has ever known. Inadequate. Discouraged. Overwhelmed. I kept wondering how I could improve, how I could get my class to care more and leave each day feeling inspired to learn and live the gospel.

This is kind of how I felt:

This is a photo of Cameron that went through an aging app. So funny!?
During my pity party I decided to turn on a show for Cameron so I could prepare for tomorrow's lesson.

Sure enough the lesson was tailored to me. In the section the Lord calls the second bishop of the church who feels inadequate, discouraged, overwhelmed, and unsure of his responsibilities. While he struggles he turns to the Lord. The Lord assures him that he was chosen for this call and that His (The Lord's) strength is in him.

I am sure that I am not aware of the many blessings that fill my life as a result of the small effort I make to serve in this calling. But I am sure that because these youth are so special He is blessing me with His strength. I can feel it.