It's been one month and I have now blogged everyday. I am so happy I am sticking with one resolution so far and what I found is that my life may be a little boring, but I love it. I have also learned that documenting a little bit every day is easier than every few weeks and it makes me look regularly into some of the more meaningful parts of my life. I have now blogged more in one month than I have in any single year. Pretty cool. So, on to today's post...
With Mary and Noah in school and Cameron taking his afternoon nap Nicole and I got to have some one on one time together, my favorite. As she did her puzzle I asked her some questions to which she responded below:
What do you like to do:
Play puzzles...with Grandma
Who do you like to play with?
No one
Um, cuz, I don't need help and I know where them go (referring to the puzzle again)
Which cousins do you like to play with? (question reworded)
What do you play with her?
Play strawberries
What's your favorite book?
Pig one (referring to Piggie Pie, which we read yesterday)
What's your favorite color?
purple...and pink...and red
What's your favorite dinner?
Ritz casserole...but my really really really favorite's soup
What's your favorite treat?
Donuts...and bring donuts to daddy's work
What's your favorite TV show?
Gaspard and Lisa (The one we just watched)
What's your favorite song?
I am a Child of God
What do you like to do with Daddy?
Not play puzzles; he don't want to play with puzzles with me. (Question restated) Go to the park.
Where do you like to go?
To the gym
What do you learn about in Sunbeams?
A song.... nothing. Sarah is my teacher too. She was there but then I leaved and go to Sister Dixon's class. And then I was crying for you. (good to know)
Puzzle done. Interview done.