Monday, July 29, 2013

On the Road Again!

I have to say that these long 12 hour drives are getting easier. They're still not my favorite, but they're much easier without a newborn or young toddler. Between the coloring books, snacks, and movies the kids can stay pretty entertained. We left Utah at about 5am and arrived to a smokey Central Point at about 4pm. I guess there's been a lot of fires in some of the wooded areas hundreds of miles away, but the smoke is getting trapped in our valley. It's really white and stinky.

We had the car packed last night so we could just gently wake up one child at a time for a quick potty trip and straight into the car, our usual routine. Margaret made some delicious pancakes which made them happy and then we stepped out into the dark crisp early morning air.

Within ten minutes of leaving Noah asked how much longer until we would be home. This continued what felt like hundreds of times throughout the entire trip. Next trip I am going to tally the number of times he asks that question...just for fun. Noah also got too hot along the ride to wear a shirt. Hilarious.

Nicole's questions were just as constant but of a unique variety. These were the first ones of the day I took a moment to record. They just kept coming....

"Daddy, is Grammie and Papa Steve going to miss us really much?"

"Dada, how is Grammie going to fly to our house?"
     "On a plane"
"Oh, I thought she was going to fly in her car."

"What happened to Grammie and Papa Steve's kids. Did they die?"

"Dada, did you know that one time today in Utah I hurt myself in Grammie's house?"

"Dad, how many minutes was we staying at Grammies?"

"Is this road is there going to be a sign that is bye to Utah?"

The first thing they did when they got home was go and see the cousins, some who they hadn't seen for almost a month! Jared and Christine offered for our kids to sleep over. I took them up on it because I really needed some sleep after a week of some really late nights. Cameron was in love with being home and especially alone with Aaron and I.


Tiffany said...

LOVE all of Nikki's quotes! So glad you wrote those down. And I loved looking through all your pictures. What a great week for you!