Sunday, January 22, 2017

Mayie's 100th Surprise Birthday Party

This morning we attended the only 9:00 ward in the stake, the Tongan ward. The acapella Tongan voices were beautiful. Polynesians' tone is so rich and the harmonies are effortless. I don't think they are capable of singing off key.

Following sacrament we headed to the Center for Mayie's surprise birthday party. My great great aunt  looked just the same as I remember her 25 + years ago. 100 years old and she is still sharp and able to move easily. We got to see so many family members that we haven't seen in so long. It was a wonderful reunion.

The drive home wasn't awful...just a couple of stops to take chains on and off and some slower roads, but we were safe. We rolled back into town at about 11:30.

Cameron's paper man he made in sacrament. He said it was a valentine man with a big heart for me.