Monday, March 20, 2017


Aaron taught Noah and Mary how to mow a lawn this evening after dinner. They all commented on how hard it was to make the lines straight. I think they did a great job. Maybe one of these days Aaron can teach me, since I've never done it a day in my life (guess that's a problem/advantage of being a gardener's daughter with three brothers).

For Family Home Evening Mary gave our lesson. She had everyone gather up something we treasure in our lives and write down why it's special to us. Here were our responses:

Aaron: (wedding ring) My ring is special to me because it represents my marriage to my wonderful, beautiful, talented, hot wife. (All the kids yelled, "ewww!" when this one was read).
Allison: (my phone) My phone allows me to get information I need in a moment, it stores music, pictures and videos of all my loved ones, and allows me to communicate with, it fits in my pocket. (I didn't mention how I am addicted to the game word's very entertaining).
Mary: (journal) Whenever I want to say something or express something I can write it in my journal.
Noah: (Spot, his stuffed leopard) Spot is special because I bought it with my own money.
Nicole: (beanie boo) My beanie boo is special to me because it is soooooooooooooooo cute! And I like to sleep with it.
Cameron: (ipad) My iPad is special to me because when I play on it, it reminds me of getting new games to play in real life.

Then Mary read some scriptures in Matthew about the gospel being our greatest treasure. We talked about how we treat treasures and how we can treasure the gospel more than the special items we shared. This girl's mind amazes me, if only she could fit in the box.