Monday, November 18, 2013

I hope they call me on a mission

Noah listened really closely to the discussion the sisters gave in our home this evening. I kept wondering about the kind of missionary he will be someday. Have I mentioned how much I love Aaron's new calling? The missionary spirit is definitely in our home. I can't help but believe that this will have a  fantastic influence on our children's testimonies.

The little girl who was being taught today has an interesting story. Her mother, a newly divorced mother of three moved into an apartment near a member family that also just moved into our ward. The investigator, who has also played on Mary's soccer team for several seasons, became close friends with the members' daughter, even attending church together on Sunday. When the little girl first became interested and wanted to be baptized we learned that her mother is actually a member herself. She gave permission tonight for both of her daughters to be baptized and told us how happy her active parents, siblings, and extended family are. It's a beautiful story about how God is bringing this single mother back into the church...through her daughter, her sweet friend, and I'm sure a lot of prayers and pleadings.

I'm just so grateful for an all knowing and all loving God who watches over each of us.


Tiffany said...

That is so sweet! I loved reading all your catch up entries.