Last night Aaron received a call from the Broesders that a cougar had been caught in their yard. The catch and release people had helped them set a trap after it had killed and eaten most of Chelsea's prized llama. Cougars usually return a second day to finish eating their catch. Aaron ran over with a couple of friends to see the caught cougar. Aaron's been watching the nature channel lately, and so this was an opportunity to see the wild in real life. He said he was amazed at how strong and large it was. I was amazed that there is a cougar up the street from us. I don't know why, perhaps it's my city/suburban upbringing, but a cougar in your backyard is absolutely absurd to me.
We also had the mission president and his wife come eat lunch at our home today after attending a temple session with the missionaries that are returning home next week. It was nice meeting them and my mom prepared a delicious and beautiful meal (of course). Then I used her left overs to feed the sisters who we had signed up to feed tonight as well. There is nothing quite as wonderful as filling your home with amazing, humble, and dedicated missionaries, where the Spirit is so strong and present.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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