Friday, December 19, 2014


Some of my favorite memories from my youth are of seminary breakfasts in our home. When we were called to teach seminary I envisioned this same tradition playing out, perhaps once a month even. With Aaron’s seminary callings in the past we did a few breakfasts, but our kids were so little that it wasn't really an option to hold them often. Seminary breakfasts are such a great way to really unite your class and strengthen all the teens. However, when we asked for permission we were advised not to hold them regularly, maybe once or twice during the year.

With that instruction in mind, today felt like the perfect opportunity. We prepped the students all week, and I was sure that we would have 100% attendance. So sure, that I bet Aaron a back rub if they did. I guess the call of their beds was too strong this morning for a few of our students, and five ended up not coming. I owe Aaron a back rub!

We watched and discussed the LDS video Share the Gift, which is so beautiful. Then we had the students write what they could share with Him and others this Christmas. We also gave the kids a type of report card with make-up work listed for this year and previous years. That was a big project, but hopefully helpful for the parents and students.

After seminary I breathed a sigh of relief. I was tired. I got a call late last night to speak on Sunday, someone had dropped out last minute. I still need to write that, finish our Nadauld family calendar, buy a few more presents, and complete the laundry so we can pack. But the list is slowly dwindling. And it feels good.

It’s so easy to get all wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of it all, and lose the reason for the season. I’m grateful for a good husband who helps pick up the slack around me, with the kids especially. My mom also showered me with help this week. Today she made the casseroles and cut the fruit for our seminary breakfast. She and my dad also watched the kids during seminary. What angels!! And Christine took the kids after school and the girls this evening to an open gym night while Aaron took the boys to a basketball game so I could have some time to work at home. I think this is the perfect example of how Christ often eases our burdens--through others. I’m grateful for the gifts they share with me.