Friday, February 28, 2014

Show and Tell

In honor of the "love month", February, Noah's sharing (show-and-tell) project was to bring something that he loves to class. Instead of toys or games, Noah choose to bring Cameron and Nicole (so sweet). He prepared what he would say and I brought the kids to the class at the time I arranged with his teacher. Noah explained that Cameron and Nicole were special to him because they are fun. He also shared what they could do in front of the class. Lucky for us Sarah was the substitute in the class today, the 100th day of kindergarten. So she helped make sure the class was cheering instead of giggling as Cameron demonstrated his push-ups (which are hilarious cuz he's so little). She also complimented him on his strong muscles which made him beam and flex in front of everyone. Sarah then helped Nikki sing a song so she didn't feel left out. I love that Noah was so proud to show off his younger siblings and that the class was so kind to them. It made them feel so very special that it was hard to get them to leave. (Noah's thick hair is getting hard to manage it's getting so long. I actually tried to push down those bumps on the sides this morning.)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

S is for squirt

We had another fun filled day of joy school. We used a map for a treasure hunt through the yard to find some hidden chocolate coins, we read some fun books about maps, we created a map using a Dora flannel story, and played Candyland together traveling along the candy city map. We also squirted these S's on the ground using squirt guns to help them remember the letter of the week. I only have one more rotation of joy school this year. The best thing about this experience is how much Nicole looks forward to it each week.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sleep Movers

These two sleep on small mattresses in our room. It allows us the most sleep at night and so it's the best option right now. What I find interesting is how much they move through out the night, Often I'll find they've rolled off the bed and are squeezed into some small and uncomfortable looking crack.

Great news is that I got a new laptop tonight. It's so fast and I can sit next to Aaron at night anywhere in the house. Love it.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Today I taught joy school. Our theme this week is maps. What I find so interesting is how hard it is to grasp the concept of where we live for children this age (and older for that matter). As we traveled to Utah the kids seemed so confused as to what a state and city is. They couldn't understand if Oregon meant our house, Grammie's house, or a different planet. So, I had the kids glue these maps to show the progression of size as we move from our home to our planet. Not sure if it made all that much sense but the conversation was pretty entertaining.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Final Games

We've missed a bunch of the nieces and nephews' games this season so we thought going to the final one for family night would be fun. Tonight we watched Rachel play, tomorrow we'll watch Nina, and Eliza on Thursday. Damian is Rachel's coach and it was fun seeing him with all those girls. Rach was amazing and we all had so much fun cheering her on.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Turbulent Day

We're home! It's 6pm.

We packed up and left St. George at about 10:00am, 9:00 Oregon time, this morning. We drove a couple of hours to the car rental place. We looked for the jackets that we lost somewhere at the car rental location on the way in. No luck. Need to check back during the work week. We took the shuttle to the airport and hopped into the lines. We're carrying a lot of stuff and it's warm. We unload and get through the lines, and head to the gate. We get a few things for the hungry tummies. Mary complains that her tummy isn't well. We wait. Finally we haul everything onto the plane and then things stop going smoothly.

The take off is delayed. Someone is trying to figure out some kind of electrical issue. It's warm. Since the plane isn't on the air isn't able to circulate. Mary's not feeling well. About a half hour later we are asked to deplane. We gather all the carry-ons and kids and head off the plane, awaiting further instruction. I take Mary to the bathroom which is so far away from the gate. Inches into the bathroom door and she throws up all over the floor. Lucky for us there was a janitor in the bathroom who quickly came to our aid, cleaning up the mess as we head to the toilet. Mary feels much better. We fill up the water bottle at the drinking fountain cuz I can't imagine spending another $3.75 on a small bottle of water. We walk back to the gate with trash bags handy. Aaron tells us they located a new plane at another terminal. We walk past the bathrooms again. It is hot. The kids need help carrying everything. We stop at the crowded gate. I can sense that Mary's not done vomiting. I'm warm. I take off the winter coat I had to wear cuz I couldn't fit it in the bags. A sweet lady next to us asks if she can share a cartoon with the kids. We gladly accept and they watch Caillou and have a nice conversation with her. We're all in a better mood.

We get in another line. We are approaching the boarding gate. Mary throws up in the bags several more times as we are inches away to the ticket counter. Sweet ladies rush over with wipes and bags. Mary feels so much better. We hop on the plane, unload again and wait for another half hour without air. It's warm. Mary feels good. We are told we are ready to leave. The air starts. The kids are happy. Mary feels better. We get lots of compliments on how good our kids are being..They were pretty good.

We land. My dad picks us up. My mom has dinner waiting. I'm finally cool. We all talk. It's been a long day. I am starting to realize some of the blessings of the day. Despite all the mishaps, we arrived safely and there were several people along the way to help ease our burden. Lots of tender mercies. Made me reflect on the grander picture and life's journey. Feeling very blessed for these turbulent days.

So happy to be home.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Noah and Mary rode motorcycles for the first time today. So very exciting. They rocked it! They certainly get this skill from their daddy.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Cafe Rio Date

Whenever we go to Utah we are sure to hit Cafe Rio. We were so excited to learn that St. George has one now too! Today we ate there with Margaret, Steve, Adam, Kelly, and the boys. It was a huge treat to see them.

Since his last surgery Matthew is now able to use "crunches", as Nikki calls him. This is a HUGE milestone for him allowing him more independence and mobility. In the end, I think Kelly and Adam feel all those surgeries and months of full body casts were worth it to allow his hips and legs to align properly. I am learning so much about spina bifida. There is so much more to it than just the lack of walking...with effects on the brain and organs as the most crucial. Matthew is a strong boy and we all love being with him.

All of our kids play splendidly well. I love seeing them together. In fact, while they don't look a lot alike, especially for sharing half the same DNA, they do seem to have similarities in their personalities...Mary and Cole are a lot of like and so are Dane and Noah. Matthew and Nikki have some similarities too.

Cameron kept saying to Aaron, "Look, Dad it's your friend!" pointing to Adam. It's interesting that even though the kids know which dad is which they feel so comfortable going up to the twin or being held by the twin, more so than other uncles. Matthew always lets Aaron carry him and Aaron loves it. When we said good-bye Matthew waited so he could get a big hug from Aaron. Man, I wish we lived closer to them.

While in line at Cafe Rio Cameron went up to Adam and had him hold him. I saved a table while the rest ordered food. Soon, Matthew and Mary joined me. Matthew told Mary, "It's kind of like we are on a date." Mary smiled. These kids are so cute!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Everything is Awesome!

Today we saw the Lego movie together as a family. Cameron slept through all of it, and Nicole most of it (they were pretty exhausted). I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. I had no idea what to expect. But I was seriously amazed by all the graphics and overall message, which I doubt the kids really grasped. What I am finding is that the song, "Everything is awesome!" gets stuck in your head pretty quickly. I just love it when Aaron is on vacation. And it's always exciting to do it in February when everything is drab and mundane. Everything is absolutely awesome! I love Utah!

We headed to Magleby's Fresh after the movie and then the BYU game afterwards. Man, I love that school. And the spirit of the crowds is unbelievable. It makes me want to move back!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Five Guys, Dixie, Children's Museum, and Skunk Traps

We swam this morning, went to Five Guys for lunch, which wasn't everything we were hoping it would be, toured Dixie State's clock tower under construction, and hit this amazing Children's Museum which is new to St. George. They have the most amazing exhibits and play areas. Our favorites were the grocery store and the sports room, complete with a green screen and video of the kids playing virtual soccer. Then we went to the outdoor little stream/splash/play area. We ended the night with a movie at Lincoln and Lindsay's home theater and Spencer's efforts trying to release the skunk that got caught in the raccoon trap. Seriously....HILARIOUS!!!!

Swimming and More Family Time

We have gone swimming every morning at the indoor pool. Noah has some serious goggle lines around his eyes that may be permanent. Lucky for us, the water has been the perfect temperature and we've been alone each time we've gone. The kids are pretty exhausted from all the non stop activities. The best part of the day was visiting with Steve and Justen's families. The kids had such a great time playing with their cousins and we enjoyed catching up on all the exciting events. In my mind these nieces and nephews are still the age of my kids. Time has flown by. Love them all so!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Meeting Annie

Lincoln and Lindsay had their fifth baby in December. She's perfect, and beautiful, and feels so good to hold. She's so little but full of smiles and coos already.

We toured their new gorgeous mansion of a house and played in their sweet backyard. Margaret brought dinner and we ate together before we had a combined FHE. To top off the evening, Lincoln had the kids place crackers and peanut butter in a trap in hopes of catching a raccoon. We'll see how that goes.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Over the river

And through the dessert to grandmother's house we go....

We had a family dinner after church to present my parents with their anniversary gift... a three-week church history trip; they were so happy! Then we headed to the airport to fly to Las Vegas, rent a car and drive to St. George for our week long vacation. 

The kids did great and we got a lot of compliments on how good they were, especially since we landed at 11pm, getting us to Grammie's and Grandpa's at 3am, Utah time. It's warm and beautiful. And I'm overjoyed to see everyone!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mrs. Procrastinator

I am always fighting the lazy, procrastinator inside of me. She came out today, and instead of cleaning and packing she puttered around enjoying the Saturday.

After running a couple of errands in the morning I didn't do much. I would have continued in this fashion, but was overcome with guilt as I watched Aaron trying to get the family going. So, at about 2:00 I stopped pedaling backwards and kicked it into high gear, getting laundry done, kids packed, and the normal you-knows. I could have had a less busy evening had I utilized my time wisely in the day, especially when Christine and Jared took Noah and Nikki out to lunch and Mary was gone at a party. Mary scored a few shots at their basketball game today and my favorite part of the day was attending Mary's friends' baptism. I can't believe we are months away from Mary's baptism. I'd better tuck my lazy procrastinator self into hiding or I may miss something awesome.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's been a day of school parties, friend parties, candies and cards, cookies from our sweet neighbor, roses from my Valentine, and a dinner and shopping date night. It's been a fantastic Valentine's filled with love.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine Interview Day 4 (Mary)

If I ever get a mac again, maybe I'll use imovie magic to make these videos into something cool. But for now, it's been a fun project and added a little excitement to my regular blogging. I thought I'd end with our love bug Mary. She had so much fun videoing that she interviewed Aaron the other night and it was pretty hilarious. Just one more day until V-day! I love this holiday.

I had to stop taping due to a small "disagreement" in the other room, which I thought was best not to capture on film. The second take was very short. Mary also had a slight cold, so she sounds a little stuffy and her eyes look a little sickie.

Me: Do you have a Valentine?
Mary: NO!
Me: What is love?
Mary: It's when you want to kiss someone (giggle, kiss, kiss)
Me: What do you love?
Mary: Chocolate! (I think she was also thinking about her reward for taping...chocolate heart)
Me: Have you ever kissed someone? Who?
Mary: Yes, Daddy.
Me: Where do Dad and I go on a date?
Mary: Restaurants
Me: When will you get married?
Mary: Um...after I go to college.
Me: Where will you get married?
Mary: In the temple.
Take 2
Me: What does a heart look like?
Mary: What do you mean? Like inside?
Me: Just a heart.
Mary: (Shows a heart with her hands.)
Me: Can you say Happy Valentine's Day?
Mary: Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine Interview Day 3 (Cameron)

Okay, I'm putting all these raw takes in here, because I love all his responses. He kept leaving in the middle of taping! My favorite was him trying to make a heart with his hands.

Me: What's your name?
Cameron: Cameron Dyreng Nadauld
Me: How old are you?
Cameron: 3
Me: Do you have a Valentine? A girlfriend?
Cameron: No, I don't have to.
Me: You don't have to?
Cameron: Only boys
Me: Oh, you only have boy friends. Okay. Cameron, what's love?
Cameron: (exit stage to get his bottle and turtle, which he loves)

Me: Who do you love?
Cameron: Andrew.
Me: What else do you love?
Cameron: Ikey
Me: Where do Mommy and Daddy go on a date?
Cameron: On the street
Me: Have you ever given someone a kiss?
Cameron: No.
Me: When are you going to get married?
Cameron: I'm gonna give a kiss from Daddy.
Me: When are you going to get married?
Cameron: Going to get married church.
Me: In the temple?
Cameron: Ya, temple.
Me: What does a heart look like?
Cameron: Like this (cups hands together)
Me: Do you know I love you?
Cameron: Yes,
Me: Do you...
Cameron: (Exits again)

Me: Hello, what's your name?
Cameron: Cameron Dyreng Nadauld
Me: How old are you?
Cameron: Three.
Me: Do you have a Valentine?
Cameron: Ya, Daddy
Me: What's something You love?
Cameron: Daddy
Me: Who else do you love?
Cameron: Daddy
Me: That's it? (giggle) Where do Mommy and Daddy go on a date?
Cameron: On the beach
Me: Are you going to get married?
Cameron: No.
Me: Who are you going to marry?
Cameron: Nina
Me: Can you show me what a heart looks like?
Cameron: (cups hands again)
Me: Cameron, can you say happy valentine's day?
Cameron: Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine Interview Day 2 (Noah)

It was interesting comparing Noah's one word answers to Nikki's responses and smiles. He was definitely eager to be done and get his little chocolate heart as a reward for participating....and wearing a sweater. (Unfortunately, my camera lens was it's a tad blurry)

 Me: Do you have a Valentine?
Noah: No.
Me: What is a Valentine?
Noah: It's a card.
Me: And you give it to someone you like. Who are you going to give a Valentine to?
Noah: Elise
Me: What's love Noah?
Noah: When you love somebody
Me: Have you ever kissed somebody before?
Noah: No! (grossed out)
Me: Where do Mom and Dad go when we go on a date?
Noah: Temple.
Me: When do you want to get married?
Noah: I don't know!
Me: Who do you want to marry?
Noah: I don't know!
Me: What does a heart look like?
Noah: (Draws shape in air)
Me: Oh, wait! Will you say Happy Valentine's Day?
Noah: Happy Valentine's Day!
Me: Thanks!
Noah: Okay, can I go? (insert head nod) YES!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine Interviews Day 1 (Nicole)

I saw this video on my friends' blog last year and I think it's so adorable I thought I'd kind of replicate parts of it. I am posting a video of each of the kids this week answering some of the same questions, just not nearly as professional as this one, but equally as precious.

Here is Nikki's debut. So cute.

Me: Do you have a Valentine?
Nicole: Yes, Ikey
Me: What is love?
Nicole: I love you.
Me; What do you love?
Nicole: My friends
Me: Who are some of your friends?
Nicole: Ike, Lila, Noaln, Holden, Nina, Rachel, Luci, Annie, Elise, Stelley, and that's it.
Me: Where do Mommy and Daddy go on a date?
Nicole: Out to lunch
Me: Have you ever kissed someone?
Nicole:, No, actually yes.
Me: Who?
Nicole: Um...Liam, with lipstick on
Me: When will you get married?
Nicole:  In a long time.
Me: What does a heart look like?
Nicole: (Draws a shape in the air)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Silly Sunday Sweethearts

Look at these cute silly girls. I just love them all. I am so sad to think that in just a little over a year Emma's gorgeous (sometimes silly picture) face will be gone and off at college. We will miss her dearly, but I am so excited for all the new adventures coming her way. It's all happening so fast. I remember Damian (and his often similar silly picture face) leaving for college. Life moved in warp speed after, marriages, missions, kids (not in that exact order). The next generation of Idiarts will be starting it all soon. The Nadaulds have already begun. Lucky for me, Mary has quite a few more years...but it is already going pretty fast, too fast.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Out with the old...

and in with the reused!

When my mom told me my Amatchi's chandelier was so beautiful I just couldn't see it. But if there is anything I know that I can totally trust my mom's opinion. She has an eye. She can see something that looks old, dingy, and not so cute and see it's potential.

My Aaron painted this chandelier silver, glazed it, cut new candle covers, and hooked it all up today. Oh, how I love it! And it's just so special that it used to hang over all our family and loved ones in my grandparents' dining room. And it brings a beautiful sparkle into our new and improving master suite.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Birthday Lunch

We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends in our area. Today we celebrated the birthday of one of my friends in our ward. Emily is an amazing creative mother, talented musician, and dedicated Christian. I really admire all she does, and there is something about her that reminds me of home...could be that she actually is from the Bay Area!

There were about 15 ladies here. We shared some of our favorite soups and salads while the kids ran around and played. It made for a very enjoyable day, especially since my mom watched the kids for me this morning so I could cook and clean in peace. This is how Emily blows out her candles...or her husband Aaron does (waves it with his hand). Happy almost birthday, Friend!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bouncy Boy

My computer is dying. I need take everything off, reformat and start a new. I've copied all the files, videos, and documents. Not much else left but to get it running at it's optimal level again. I'm just a little nervous to erase it all.

On another totally unrelated note, I snatched a picture of Noah on something he loves...this large bouncy ball. He hops on it all around the room for at least an hour every day. Often Noah chases Cameron as he laughs and runs away from him.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


One of my goals this year is to exercise every day...again. I've been trying by doing a workout video here and there or hitting the church aerobics class. I even tried running around our driveway and yard while Cameron played outside. I just can't seem to get it done in the mornings, and I know that by the time the last head hits the pillow at night I am too wiped out. Plus, I hate working out at night. I miss the freedom of running on streets with sidewalks (man I wish my street had sidewalks) whenever I want. I just can't seem to get up early enough to do it before I get the kids ready for school. And then a million things come up and before you know it, it's 10:30 and I am still in my pajamas and tennis shoes.

I read President Uchtdorf's January Ensign article last night. It motivated me this morning to get out and take the kiddos on a bike ride, with me running (slow jogging) by their side. It made me reevaluate my goals and just get to it...NOW!

I've wasted so much time waiting for the perfect time to get it done each day.  But I didn't think, I didn't plan, I just got us bundled up and headed out the door first thing after the big kids left for school. We didn't last long...I should say Cameron didn't last long. But it felt so good. And the beautiful sun was shining so bright...I swear I could have run a marathon today. I'm so grateful that this article came my way and motivated me to just get to it and not dwell on the fact that I've procrastinated this goal a million times for the perfect scenario. At this time in my life, there is no perfect scenario. And since I didn't "plant that tree 20 years ago" the second best time is now.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Post from a Friend

I read this post today on a friend's blog. I think she has a great perspective, one I can relate to. And for the record, I would LOVE to be like "June Cleaver"!

You know what the hardest thing is? Balance. And not just in the obvious sense--balancing time with four children, getting all the chores of life done, making time to meditate and exercise, squeezing in service, helping with homework, nagging about piano practice, driving to basketball... That type of balance is a whole series of discussions in and of itself. It would include questions like 'how do you prioritize and fit it all in?' and suggestions like, 'I clean the bathroom and put on my make-up while supervising the toddlers in the bath. Awesome multi-tasking!' But there is another kind of balance that I have deeper worries about.

I am constantly concerned about the balance between needs and the best use of my time. Here is what I mean:
I am an ambitious human being. I always have been. I load up my plate--heaping full-- all the time. I want to learn more, accomplish more, serve more, be more. Even if I had no job or children, I could fill up my whole day, every day. I would run, read, clean, write, cook, bake, sew, photograph, and...and... You get the picture.

If I had the time, I would pour myself into growing Penny&Tillie.  Jessie and I have grand visions and big ideas for our little hobby to become a big business.

But my life doesn't look like that. I have a husband. A dear, hard-working, awesome fun, loving husband. And, as June Cleaver as it sounds, I expect myself to keep the house a beautiful place and put good food on the table, because, dang it, he works hard for me all day every day. I also have four children. Four energetic, loud, brilliant, beautiful, demanding, loving children. And they're not just mine. They are God's. He made them. They come from Him. And, though I highly value the agency--in other words the freedom to choose--that God has granted all of us, I also hold myself responsible to teach my children and give them the tools they need to succeed. And, heaven help me, if one of my children wanders or struggles or feels unloved, and I haven't given him the best of me, I don't see how I can live with myself.  

I've said before: I don't believe in being a martyr mother. I have to have my own interests and identity. But I don't want to look back at this mortal life--this amazing, beautiful gift of a life--and realize, 'I wasted the best days I was given on selfish, secular, mundane interests.'

And there it is. The balance struggle. How to give everyone (including myself) enough of me. I doubt I will ever really feel like I'm winning the balance battle. But I am constantly reevaluating my life. Like every single day.

I hope to the heavens I am getting it at least sorta right.

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Kid-Run FHE

We let the kids run the show for FHE today. Mary came up with a great lesson on prophets. She had Noah read a scripture about how the Lord reveals his secrets to his prophets. Then she talked about Lorenzo Snow and Joseph Smith. We helped a bit with Lorenzo Snow, but she knew the story of Joseph Smith and even ended her lesson with a testimony of the First Vision. It was so sweet and I can't believe what a great job they did. During the lesson Nikki and Cameron read scriptures under the piano (their lesson contribution). It was pretty fun to hear all the words they threw around, "yea, Lamanites, God said, and, and, and, amen."

But the best part of the night (besides Aaron and I acting like cranky children who kept moving around and complaining) was that the parents got to share our talents. Aaron decided to make a bridge with his body, just as the kids usually do, and I played the piano, but I wasn't nearly as good as Mary.

What a fun night.