Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine Interview Day 3 (Cameron)

Okay, I'm putting all these raw takes in here, because I love all his responses. He kept leaving in the middle of taping! My favorite was him trying to make a heart with his hands.

Me: What's your name?
Cameron: Cameron Dyreng Nadauld
Me: How old are you?
Cameron: 3
Me: Do you have a Valentine? A girlfriend?
Cameron: No, I don't have to.
Me: You don't have to?
Cameron: Only boys
Me: Oh, you only have boy friends. Okay. Cameron, what's love?
Cameron: (exit stage to get his bottle and turtle, which he loves)

Me: Who do you love?
Cameron: Andrew.
Me: What else do you love?
Cameron: Ikey
Me: Where do Mommy and Daddy go on a date?
Cameron: On the street
Me: Have you ever given someone a kiss?
Cameron: No.
Me: When are you going to get married?
Cameron: I'm gonna give a kiss from Daddy.
Me: When are you going to get married?
Cameron: Going to get married church.
Me: In the temple?
Cameron: Ya, temple.
Me: What does a heart look like?
Cameron: Like this (cups hands together)
Me: Do you know I love you?
Cameron: Yes,
Me: Do you...
Cameron: (Exits again)

Me: Hello, what's your name?
Cameron: Cameron Dyreng Nadauld
Me: How old are you?
Cameron: Three.
Me: Do you have a Valentine?
Cameron: Ya, Daddy
Me: What's something You love?
Cameron: Daddy
Me: Who else do you love?
Cameron: Daddy
Me: That's it? (giggle) Where do Mommy and Daddy go on a date?
Cameron: On the beach
Me: Are you going to get married?
Cameron: No.
Me: Who are you going to marry?
Cameron: Nina
Me: Can you show me what a heart looks like?
Cameron: (cups hands again)
Me: Cameron, can you say happy valentine's day?
Cameron: Happy Valentine's Day!


Tiffany said...

Those are all absolutely precious! What a fun idea. Each of them highlight their personalities so well.

Natalie A said...

Loving the interviews. Absolutely cute kids!

Your voice and especially intonation sound so much like your Mom. That is a great compliment.

Love you guys so much.