Monday, May 27, 2013

A Wet Memorial Day

We woke up this morning and ran some errands. Then we all met up at McDonalds before we hit the movie theater to see Epic. It was a darling movie and again it was so fun bringing all of our children. All this week Aaron and I debating on whether or not we should throw a Memorial Day BBQ. Since the weather was rainy we thought we would just skip out on doing something. Plus, our house was a disaster from the 90 something rolls, mango salad, and 15 lbs of potatoes I made the day before.

But we couldn't pass up the opportunity...even if it was only two hours before showtime and it was raining off and on. So, Tiff took our kids, we cleaned up, ran to the store and texted as many people as I had in my phone. We ended up having about 10 families come. It was so fun, especially being so last minute like that. And you would have thought everyone planned the menu..the food coordinated so well and there was the perfect variety of deliciousness.

When Aaron and I were just getting to know each other over ten years ago we would do potlucks all the time. On Sunday we would pass around notes at church that said, "P-luck tonight? What can you bring?" It was easy to see even then that we made a good team.

Aaron also grabbed some flags he had in the garage and hung them up outside. I love that he thought to do that and it made me feel patriotic. I am just so grateful to live each day with so many freedoms. I recognize the lives of many soldiers and God's hand that have made us a very blessed country.


Aaron and Emily said...

Looks like so much fun! Wish we could've made it.