Monday, May 6, 2013

When Your Heart is Filled with Love

I don't know if it's just that it's Monday or that my allergies are super annoying, but this morning I woke up and needed some kind of change. Blah. Blah. Blah. My energy was low, probably from the medicine. The kids were playing with each other, but someone kept crying and getting hurt or drawing on something they shouldn't. Maybe someone used a stool to reach the medicine shelf in the pantry and chewed up an ibuprofen tablet that came from a "child proof" bottle that someone poured out on the floor? Lucky for me it tasted terrible and I think he someone just ate one. I kept looking at the messy house and overflowing laundry room and didn't want to clean it up or wash a thing.

In between helping the kids with their needs I knew I needed a little spiritual boost, so I read my scriptures, said my prayers and reread Elder Ballard's talk on motherhood. It lifted my spirits. I peeked at facebook and saw two really inspiring stories one of a man who quit his job to help serve starving people in his town. He taught that these old and mentally ill people who were basically left to die not only physically needed food but spiritually they needed to be filled with love. He cleaned them, cut their hair and spent time with them. It was beautiful. I also watched a clip about the trials of a homeless man that was very tender. Each story helped me see how very blessed I am.

Then I read a little article on things you can do to help feel more joy in motherhood right now...they were simple, but really work. I loved the one that said to just read to your children. That always helps bring a happy feeling. I also really loved the tip to take a lot of pictures. It always helps to step back and capture the beauty of children.

So, we worked together and straightened the house. It felt good when it was done and any fighting or complaining had left the home entirely. We read some books. And tonight we got togther to watch the Warriors game which was a big treat. Then the rain came and the lightening and thunder. I love a good summer storm. It was beautiful. The boys came in and played marbles. We barbecued. It was so stimulating and enjoyable and I loved taking pictures of it all even though I had to delete most of them.

In my mind I picture these amazing photos, but since my camera is pretty lame and I don't know what I'm doing it just comes out blurry. Elder Ballard said to develop more talents like this. That's one I would really love to

I learned from Ashton today how marbles really work at MRE. Kids can bring their marbles to school during the month of May. Mary has brought hers a few times. She isn't super into them, but she likes them. Each class is allowed to have a boy and girl representative who help fill the marble committee, where I think they help establish and maintain rules...I missed the rest of that story. It sounds complicated and it's so darling how they sort and share, play and trade.

Then this sweet little niece let me hold her. She just fills my heart. Love her so!

Tonight when I put Nikki to bed I sang the song, "Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too; when your heart is filled with love others will love you". Nikki usually asks about what a word or phrase from a song means. After I sang this verse she asked, "Is your tummy filled?" Huh? Then I realized what she meant, "When your heart is filled with love...others will love you. My reply was, "Yes, it is filled with love...because I'm with YOU!" And her smile melted my heart.


Annette said...

For a while I couldn't get to your blog, then Tiffany directed me to it again. You are a beautiful woman inside and out. Tiffany said everyone wants to be with Aunt Allison, and I can see why! I am inspired by you.

Tiffany said...

Very sweet! You made me tear up. You truly are an amazing mother and woman. So grateful for all you do for my children. xoxo