Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Christmas. The tree are up and decorated. The nativity is placed carefully on the mantle, and the stocking are hung. Still a few more decorations to go, but we are nearly there. Cameron was sung to today in Primary. There were a lot of families out of town, so I think it made it easier for him to go up. He went to Grandma's class again today. I probably should start taking him to his own class, but I didn't want to miss out on the fifth Sunday lesson.

Today we spoke about an article in the newspaper that shared some statistics on how religion influences lives explaining various demographics and how people feel religion embraces them. I was surprised by some of it's findings. Most of what we discussed made me feel grateful that man is not in charge of this church. In teaching the Doctrine and Covenants this year it is so clear that God was in the restoration every step of the way, line upon line, and He still is. This is Jesus Christ's church that we belong to and that's why it is structured to meet every individual. This makes sense to me because God is a God of order and has infinite love for all people. It's remarkable looking at the history of the church's organization and presentation of the doctrines from it's small beginnings. I feel such peace knowing that He is in charge.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Staycation Day 2

This morning the kids eagerly decorated the Christmas tree. We got a lot done, but there is still more. Aaron took the kids out to lunch and then to Rogue Air, a trampoline place, as part of our staycation. I was grateful to rest in bed and fight through the congestion at home.

BYU won today and I was disappointed that we didn't end up going. The pictures and videos looked so exciting! I have to keep telling myself that it would have been miserable feeling achy and having a hard time breathing while at the game. I hope there will be another chance in the near future.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Staycation Day 1

The kids made a list of activities they wanted to do today on our staycation. I still wasn't feeling well, so I took it easy as best as I could. We left after breakfast to hunt for the perfect Christmas tree. Upon our arrival at the U-Cut I noticed a news reporter from channel 5. She looked like she was scouting for a family to follow and I had a feeling it was going to be us. And it was. So, she followed us along and asked us some questions. I got so wrapped up in everything that I forgot to take pictures while we were tree hunting. But I guess the report on the channel 5 at 6pm was adequate coverage. Boy were the kids happy to be on TV. They called all their cousins and grandparents once we saw it later that evening.

Following our few seconds of fame we ate lunch and went ice skating as a family. Now I had just gone ice skating at Elise's birthday so I knew to get a smaller size shoe and tie them tighter. It helped a lots but it still hurt my feet and shins. By then I really wasn't feeling well so I kind of sat out for a while watching the kids. Luckily we were the last ones to rent a walker. That really helps with the little kiddos. They had a great time and I think we are much better prepared for our trip to Utah this Christmas.

After skating we ate dinner at the new Denny's, which was also on the list of "staycation" activities. We all went to bed at a decent hour and it took the kids just moments to fall asleep. I'm grateful we didn't drive to the Bay Area today. I think I needed a little time to recoup.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving 2014

We've officially perfected the Thanksgiving menu and assignments. There isn't one dish I would change. Sarah made the tables look so beautiful and it truly was a wonderful day with family and friends.

Aaron took the kids on a bike ride this morning while I rolled out the rolls and prepared the other dishes. There were 96 rolls with none left over. After the bike ride Noah and Nicole stayed at Christine's to make some cute candy turkeys for the table setting. Following the dinner we headed to the movies to see Big Hero 6, which was really good. Then we went back to Sarah's for an hors d'oeuvre dinner my mom prepared.

Somewhere in between all the fun my minor sniffles that started yesterday turned into a full blown cold. I am not sure that we will be going to California tomorrow for the BYU game. The kids are so tired from the busy week they didn't seem to mind when I suggested a family staycation.

I love this holiday. There is so much to be grateful for.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Guest

Today we welcomed my cousin Edene to join us for Thanksgiving. Edene is pretty hilarious and so easy going it's always really exciting when she comes to visit. Edene was recently diagnosed with MS and is a real inspiration to me in overcoming a lot of adversity. I wish we lived closer. I keep hoping that one day she'll want to come up and live by all of us. That would be seriously awesome.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cameron's Sleepover

Today we spent another hour playing at the church gym. The kids played a game where they ran around on the basketball floor lines being chased by Ashton and Ben on ripsticks. It was very entertaining and then they played an intense game of indoor soccer that ended in a tie. After the Thanksgiving grocery and Costco errands we ate dinner and cut the boys hair. Then we took the girls to Christine's and Noah to Tiff's for a sleepover.

Cameron was a little sad being the only one home, but we told him he could have a sleepover with us and that seemed to do the trick. I was a little bit surprised. After his bath I let him snuggle under the covers and watch a little show. Then he ran around the house with the remote control car that we put new batteries in. He has been playing with those the last couple days. It's as if he got a new toy when all we had to do was replace the batteries to his Christmas present from last year. He took the cars to the gym, built obstacles for it to go through outside and chased the siblings around the house.

He's growing so fast. I can hardly believe it.

Monday, November 24, 2014


This morning we decided to get a little exercise at the church gym. Then we returned home so I could get ready to attend the parent teacher conferences. Mrs. Telford and Mrs. Laws had such wonderful things to say about Mary and Noah. I am so pleased with all their hard work and kind hearts. We did some chores and our usual piano practice. Josh came over and played a darling duet with Mary. I love it when music fills our home.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


We left Heber at 9 this morning and after shuttles, the flight, and drive home from Portland we walked in the door at 6pm. It was a long day of traveling, but so easy just the two of us (even fun). The kids gave us a warm welcome with posters and signs. My mom had a delicious dinner prepared. I was so happy to snuggle the kids up. I think a weekend away every once in a while is the perfect amount of time to leave the grateful for parents who made it possible.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Noah's Game

Noah played in his first game today. Unfortunately we weren't there to see it, but he had plenty of supportive cousins and grandparents cheering him on. They ended up winning and Noah shot a two-pointer.

Aaron got to hang in a box with his brothers at a BYU game. It's a good thing too since it was pretty cold and snowy. I got to spend the afternoon shopping at Park City and visiting with my amazing mother-in-law. I'm sad to see all this Nadauld family time end.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Margaret's 70!

We woke up this morning and quietly tried to surprise Margaret with some cinnamon rolls we picked up the night before. She was so darling making such a fuss over our simple little birthday gesture. It made me so anxious for her to see all that we had in store for her at our family party. Steve, Margaret, Aaron, and I went for a nice walk together. Then Aaron and I left for a bit to run some errands for the party. We bought some beautiful white roses at Costco--5 dozen for the program.

We returned to Heber to get ready and drive to Jackson's championship game in Salt Lake. Even though they lost, Jackson's 34 yard kick was really exciting. He scored the only points for his team during the game.

Then we headed to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Everything was stunning. Susan made beautiful favors, Kelly-- beautiful name tags and framed photos, Stacy-- lovely centerpieces, AnnDee brought some touching quotes, and Lindsay---a gorgeous cake. Everything was perfect. The play we performed, "This is Your Life Margaret Nadauld", was so fun and entertaining and the guests we invited were such a surprise to Margaret.

I think she loved every second of it. My favorite parts were the amazing missionary quartet and Kelly's touching slideshow, The Geneva missionaries were a huge surprise and their professional voices were stunning. They sang a medley in French and there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

I am so grateful to have such a remarkable mother-in-law.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

College Bound and Utah Bound

The kids dressed up in all their BYU clothing for their final day of school spirit week--college bound day. Aaron and I drove to Portland and arrived in Salt Lake around 10pm. The trip was so simple without any kids and it felt like we were honeymooners again. I'm feeling grateful for every mile we've traveled and for all that's still in store.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Leopard Leaves and Crazy Hair

I tried to make the kids' hair crazy for spirit week without making it too difficult for Mary to run at P.E. It's not that crazy, but the do's will do. Nikki found a cool leaf she called a leopard leaf. I thought it was so cute.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pears are good for...

removing front teeth. They're soft enough to be gentle, yet firm enough to give it a good yank. I'm excited to no longer look at it dangling and wiggling all over.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Swinging Superheroes

Yesterday Aaron, Josh, and Ben put a tire swing together on the front pine tree. The kids played on it all evening. When they got up this morning and got dressed as superheroes for spirit week at school they decided to test the capes out.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Singing is for the birds...

and mice!

Sarah gave the kids little animal masks to wear when they sang their best at primary today. I love these little singers of mine. They also sang happy birthday to Nicole today. Boy was she happy about that.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


I can't recall the last time we had such a carefree Saturday. I felt uneasy and confused with the empty schedule on my calendar--no sports, no church activities, no birthdays, no pressing errands or assignments...nothing. It was almost paralyzing charting out the order of the "Things I'd Love to Do" list. What was definitely not going to be done right away was getting dressed at 5am. Nope! Not only was there no seminary to prepare for, but knowing that I would have two weeks off completely emptied my mind!

So, I puttered around on the computer ordering Christmas cards, doing minimal house work, and you know...feelin' giddy. Elise slept over last night so the kids were very entertained. Around four o'clock we ran a couple of errands before returning home to watch the BYU game with some of the cousins. They all snuggled up in front of the fireplace in these fuzzy blankets. And it just made me feel all cozy.

I'd love more cozy Saturdays like this one.

Friday, November 14, 2014

It's a...

Christine threw the most amazing gender revealing party I have ever seen. Even though I have never been to one before I was so amazed by all the details. There were candies, snacks and signs beautifully displayed. There were mustaches or lips on sticks people could hold after giving their guess. There were Hersheys bars colored with blue and pink so you could see He r She. Was it a Miss or Mister? I couldn't wait!

We dropped off the kids with Rachel and Grandma while the adults left for dinner. When we returned we all got ready for the big reveal.

Jared and Christine cut the cake together. The color of the frosting would reveal the gender. The Doctor had sent the ultrasound results to the bakery earlier that day.

it is


I think Jared was hoping for another boy. His reaction was pretty hilarious. It's times like these when you know that God has a reason for everything and maybe he doesn't reveal His will to us right away, but I have faith that what he knows is best and that a little girl needs to be next in this sweet family.

I remember feeling a little this way when we found out the gender of our first. I was hoping for a big brother, something I thought every sibling should have. But seeing things now I would not have changed our order for the world. 

There is one fact that doesn't need to be revealed however...this girl is going to be very loved.

And that's a fact!