Friday, March 29, 2013

FAMILY...Hit 'Like'

I shy away from sharing my opinions and feelings regarding political, social, and moral issues on facebook. It's not a place for conservatives, and quite honestly I don't believe my opinion would be effective shared in that setting. I like feeling connected with people from my past, but I don't like the debates, the bashing comments, and the criticism and profanity that people often use in their posts. I am still a fan of face to face conversation and of being kind and loving whether in person or behind the computer screen. So, I carfeully choose what I 'like' and what I post and I intentionally stay a little removed from facebook.

But what has surprised me so much lately is the Prop 8 repeal issue. Numerous red squares with two pink lines make me worry for the future of our country and for my children. I have a lot of friends and family who support gay marriage. What makes me the most sad is the number of LDS friends who do. I see that the family is under attack. It is all being done right before my eyes. I find peace in the words of our prophets and in the walls of my home. The Family: A Proclamation to the World, which was read for the first time almost 20 years ago, is truly prophetic.

And, happy birthday to Kelly of the world's most amazing mothers! xoxo