Monday, March 11, 2013

my forget-me-nots

Spring is on it's way. The weather is warmer and I can sense that the flowers are preparing for bloom.

At our outdoor Family Night we read a portion of President's Uchtdorf's talk about the tiny Forget-Me-Not flower from this month's Friend magazine. The message is so beautiful and so simple. The children soaked it in, and as soon as we finished the talent portion of the evening they were off to the field in search of Forget-Me-Nots. While I don't believe we actually found one, just patches of small blueish weed flowers, it was so fun searching in the beautiful Spring sun.

No matter how small and insignificant we may feel, we are not forgotten. We have a loving Heavenly Father who knows us and cares for us. We are His children. We are important to Him. Could there be a greater message for my Littles to remember? I hope my Forget-Me-Nots know that they are precious, they are beautiful, and that they are treasured.