Monday, September 2, 2013

Back to School Celebration 2013

Today we celebrated back to school with our special outdoor dinner, followed by a family home evening lesson centered on our new family theme and this year's father's blessings.

Last year's theme was to be kind. We reviewed our theme that we have been practicing all be kind to our friends at school, our teachers, and our family members.

This year's family theme is to be obedient. We talked about Nephi and his obedience to his parents and the Lord. We talked about how we can be obedient to our teachers and parents and not murmur like Nephi's brothers Laman and Lemuel. We talked about how Nephi's example of obedience can benefit our families and friends at school. We did a lot of talking, of Christ and his perfect obedience. Hopefully these scriptures will impact their hearts as we continue to discuss them:

  • I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded (1 Nephi 3:7)
  • I did obey the voice of the Spirit (1 Nephi 4:18)