Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ladies' Man

Mary woke up in the middle of the night complaining of a sore tummy and strange feeling in her throat. We then spent the rest of the night and into the morning running back and forth to the bathroom. Needless to say, Mary didn't play soccer today. I made her get dressed so she could participate in her team pictures. But by evening she looked pretty happy and was vomit free.

Noah felt good. He played soccer and then attended his kindergarten friend's birthday party. Noah was the only boy invited. Kendall's mom spoke to me in the lunchroom one day saying that Kendall wanted to invite Noah to her all girl gymnastics party. So, I asked Noah and at first he was a little reluctant but then he thought about how much fun he'd have with all his girl friends and decided to go. So cute. Did you know that a ribbon stick is just one more thing that can be made into a sword/weapon?