Sunday, September 15, 2013


A stake high councilman asked me to be his companion speaker today for another ward. I kind of forgot how busy life would get this weekend when I said yes, but I am sure glad I did, because there was a lot I needed to learn.

My topic was preparing spiritually for challenging times. I related the story of Job and talked a lot about attending the temple and feeding our spirits to know God. Job knew God's character and it was that testimony which had sustained him when his trials came.

I thought all week about my trials through out my life, looking back, none seem of any real concern compared to that of Job and so many others. I am grateful that my life hasn't had to go through any dark periods. I began to wonder what, perhaps, will be in store for me and our family and prayed that I can be humble and true for whatever comes our way.

The other speaker had the same topic and he related a story about his personal life that I thought was very powerful. He was going through a trial and received a call from someone who never called him for help before. Of course, he dropped everything and ran to his aid. As a result of his service his own spirit was lifted. He said he believed God put this opportunity for service in his path to help him through his trial. I thought his remarks were beautiful and while I prepared for the same topic, so many of his words did not cross my mind.  It was as if I had a double dose on the subject. So awesome.

Following the meeting I ran back to our ward to meet up with my family. There I felt more inspiration from the talks and lessons. After church we headed to Christine's to celebrate Jared's birthday this Tuesday. It was so nice celebrating together on this glorious Sunday in such a breathtaking backyard.


Aaron and Emily said...

I think people like you, perhaps you may not experience heavy trials like Job... but you have been there to help so many people. You have been such an great example of selfless service. And thanks for posting that limbo picture of Adele!