Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reverence and Mary's Talk

I attended a ward  Relief Society conference yesterday morning. I really enjoyed the talks and craft. It was nice to have a little time away. The first talk on parenting was good, although I left feeling a little disappoinnted in myself. The subject was how to keep our children reverent during sacrament. I realized two things while I was there. First, that I pretty much have done every "do not" listed at the meeting, and second I learned that I can improve my personal reverence and in so doing help my children more.

So, naturally I really prepared the children for good behavior this morning. And it went....well, terrible, unfortunately. I came home and thought I need to regroup and figure out how to correct the children more precisely. Then I read a blog post from Aaron's cousin who was visiting the same issue with her children. It was exactly what I needed to read. Chelsea listened to some great advice that I wish I had thought about earlier before church... don't be so militant that your children have negative feelings for church. She made a family ice cream celebration that focused on the things they learned during sacrament. I thought it was brilliant. I think this was a tender mercy for me. I made Sunday miserable for the children, so much that Noah said, "I hate going to church". It made my heart stop when he said that. I am planning on thinking more about what I can do to help the children be more reverent, and love going to church. And it would be nice if I could love being in there too and not constantly monitoring exactly how reverent they are and worried what people are thinking.

On another note, Mary did a fantastic job with her talk during primary today. This is what she wrote:

In the book of Mosiah King Benjamin taught us that when we serve others we are serving God.

Jesus showed us how to serve others. He was kind, he healed sick people, taught others and he listened and loved everyone.

I want to tell you about a time when I served someone. I was playing with my friends during recess when I saw a girl that was sitting on the play structure with nothing to do. She looked very sad and lonely. I had a feeling that I should go and help her. So, I invited her to play with me and my friends. We had fun together. She was smiling and happy to play with us. I felt glad that I asked her to join us. I know Heavenly Father was happy that I was kind to one of His children. I know that by helping her feel loved I was showing my love to Heavenly Father.

There are lots of times and place that we can serve other people…. at home, at school, in church. Living this commandment makes you feel good.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Aaron and Emily said...

I would love some notes on some of the things you learned in the reverence in Sacrament talk!