Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kindergarten Interview

I took the kids over to Christine's this morning so we could swap for the kindergarten interviews with Mrs. Bjorge. I enjoyed Christine's awesome back yard with Estelle and my kids while she and Elise went to the school. The crew rode bikes, swung on their amazing hammock swing, and hunted for rollie pollies. Cameron says rollie pollie in such a darling little two-year-old way. I caught it on video so my memory won't fail me. We scheduled the Kindergarten interviews back to back and so when they returned I took Noah and left Nicole and Cameron behind.

Noah is ready for school to begin. He is eager to learn and will no doubt enjoy making new friends. The interview with Mrs. Bjorge was short since we already know each other and I have no real concerns for Noah. It made for a very friendly chat.

When we returned home I decided to clean out Noah's ears, a decision prompted by the big "What?" he shouted at Mrs. Bjorge when she asked him a question. He's been having a hard time hearing lately. It could be from a little cold he had and perhaps exascerbated by swimming? The peroxide drops fizzed for a while and it seemed to help immensley. Now I don't have to worry if his hearing is selective or not.