Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Jared!

Today my little brother turns 34! I have a special place in my heart for Jared. I always felt very close to him growing up...and not just because we are 13 months apart. Jared is the kind of person you always want to be around. Something about his personality draws people to him. He is hilarious and he has a kind heart. He can teach me things about myself that I need to improve on in such a loving way; he just inspires you to be better than you are. And I always felt so much cooler being related to him.

Just this Sunday while giving a talk someone heard from the second speaker that my father was Brother Idiart. As soon as the talk was over this gentleman came running towards me wanting to tell me how much he loved Jared. It was so sweet and genuine and I am not surprised in the least that he feels this way. He told me to tell him that he is dying to play golf with him.

I feel really grateful to live by Jared. I love watching him in his roles as father and husband. He is cherished by all his nieces and nephews and he will help you with whatever you need without complaint.

Happy birthday Jared! You're awesome!